
Knowledge pills on branding

Naming: The first sprout of your brand towards success

Think of your brand as a tree that is growing. The essence that defines it is the root system that nourishes and firmly supports it, but for the tree to begin to bloom and stand out, it needs its first visible sprout. Naming is that leaf that first appears in the market and tells the world who you are and what you represent. Now, have you ever wondered how such a seemingly small brand element can impact the growth of your business?

What is naming?

Naming is the process of creating, selecting, and registering a name for a brand, product, or service. The result of this process should not be based on simply choosing a pretty name or one that explains everything. Instead, it should align with the brand’s meaning to capture and project a strategic positioning from the very start. In other words, a good name should allow you to initiate your brand story and speak for you before any action, decision, or advertising campaign does.

Take Apple, for example: simple, memorable, and evocative. It projects an image of simplicity and innovation, deeply aligned with its value proposition and products (who doesn’t enjoy unboxing their new releases?). But… what if its name had been more technical or complicated? That initial connection consumers had with the brand back then might have been very different, unconsciously altering their first impressions.

What is the process behind a good name?

Reaching the ideal name isn’t the result of chance or a moment of inspiration, but rather a meticulous, structured process that follows several steps:

  1. Concreción de territorios y clases de Niza: Definir dónde y en qué sectores se registrará la marca. Aquí se determina el ámbito legal en el que podrá operar.
  2. Desarrollo creativo: Aquí comienza la magia. Se generan varias opciones de nombres que estén en sintonía con la estrategia de marca. Por ejemplo, el nombre Nike evoca el poder dela diosa griega de la victoria, lo que se alinea con su posicionamiento como una marca deportiva enfocada en el rendimiento, la superación y el éxito.
  3. Filtro por identidades: Verificamos que no existan marcas ya registradas con el mismo nombre. ¿Imaginas querer registrar “Nike” y descubrir que ya existe una empresa deportiva con ese nombre?
  4. Ranking creation: We ranked the name options according to preferences. Registration is not an exact science, so it’s always better not to commit to just one name and not discard any that align with the strategy, in order to have several alternatives in case of high opposition risk at the time of registration
  5. Similarity check: We verify that there are no similar names that could trigger opposition from a competitor. Even if they are not exactly the same, if you try to register “Naic” or “Naiqui” instead of “Nike,” the risk of raising red flags can be high due to the strong phonetic resemblance.
  6. Linguistic Check: When it comes to international registration, we ensure that the winning names do not mean or convey anything inappropriate in the languages of the territories where we will be present.

Why is it crucial for boosting your brand and business?

As you’ve seen, it’s essential to understand that a name is not just a simple adornment; it’s the first contact people have with your brand. Therefore, it’s critical to give it the importance it deserves so that, from the very beginning, it clearly explains who you are. When the name is aligned with the brand’s essence, it can become the best preview of the experience you’ll offer.

But we’re not just talking about perception: a good name can have a direct impact on business. In fact, a suitable name can act as the most direct filter when segmenting audiences, whether they be consumers or talent.

For example, imagine you’re a lawyer looking for a new place to grow professionally, and you receive two offers: one from McMillan, Ferguson & Associates and another from Lawyerfy (any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental). It’s clear that if they’ve done their job well, just through the name, they’re offering two very different value propositions: the first, a more classic, serious work environment where professional rigor is indispensable; the second, likely a next-gen firm that prioritizes flexibility, new technologies, and work-life balance.

And that’s where the power of naming lies, because it’s not just about people knowing your name, but about the name attracting, generating interest, and easily connecting with those consumers and professionals who truly identify with your worldview. This makes them more likely to stick with you longer if their experience matches their expectations—something that can positively impact your business results in the long run.

Your brand, a tree that keeps growing

Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s go back to our gardening metaphor. Returning to our initial metaphor, it’s important to conclude that the name, that first visible sprout of our tree, can become a crucial element for the business, as long as it’s connected to the root—your brand’s essence. Only then will that first leaf lead to many more, all connected to the original source from which they are nourished

How can we help you?

At The Mood Project, we don’t just create names; we align them with your brand strategy, business objectives, and registration possibilities. Through a co-creation process, we develop names that are not only memorable but also reinforce your brand positioning. Contact us to discover how we can help you create a name that propels your business. Follow us on our social media for more projects, ideas, and thoughts on branding, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all our news.

And if you want a full perspective on how to become a genuine brand, check out our previous knowledge pills:

  1. Genuine brands.
  2. Brand territory.
  3. Brand audience.
  4. Brand Personality.
  5. Verbal Identity.
  6. Typography.

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